Friday, January 27, 2012

The Power of Words

As a child I remember standing with all the strength I could muster and bravely declaring, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me!" Even in that moment while my feelings were truly hurt I'd stand there and try to convince myself and my demon that I was invincible to the painful words.  Looking back and looking at the now I see the falsehood (and the truth) in that dauntless statement.  

We learn from parenting magazines and books that words can help or hinder our child's growth. We offer praise (probably too much) and feel guilty when our words weren't what we believe they should have been. All because we know that words are powerful. We also attempt to teach our children that words can't hurt them. If some one is mean to you, you have a choice to walk away. You have a choice to ignore the words that otherwise might cause you grief. I sincerely hope my children learn this. 

But can I successfully teach something I don't successfully practice?  I'm blessed to be surrounded with people who don't purposefully speak to me in hateful ways. My own thoughts however aren't always so nice. Self verbal abuse is not uncommon and yet hardly recognized. I find myself regularly thinking the worst about myself and thoughts are really just unspoken words. Is it really as easy as looking in the mirror every morning and saying "I am a self confident and hard working woman." If I do that will I achieve my goals? I do believe that the negative self talk is part of what has gotten me to this point in my life where I'm not pleased with myself so maybe its true that if you tell yourself something long enough you'll start believing. But there is more to it than that. Effort has to be exerted. So I tell myself I am what I want to be and then I practice it as hard as I can. 

To live is to be in a constant state of decision making. I can decide to ignore the meanie on the playground but those hurt feelings won't necessarily heal instantly. I'll have to continue deciding that those words aren't true, those words don't matter. I have to change the words in my head to words that heal. 

So today, I am a confident, beautiful and productive woman! Now I must go get to work on that!  

"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, non but ourselves can free our own minds." -Bob Marley

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