Monday, June 25, 2012

When the Time is Right, Real Changes will Happen

The thoughts I have struggled with for years are haunting me less and less. I have told myself for a long time now that I am lazy, that I do only enough to get by, that I'm a quitter and not an achiever, that I'll never have the desire to do better for my health. I started this blog a while back in an effort to work on these patterns and to learn more about myself. Then I was introduced to the 90 Day Challenge.
When the time is right (and it was for me) real changes take place. Visalus makes this challenge as easy as a challenge can possibly be. That isn't to say it is easy but the products give real results fast and that gave me the nudge I needed.
As I have jumped in to this Vi Life and began working toward my health and prosperity I have learned more about myself and who I can be than I ever have in all those years of wishing, journaling, and crying.
I have joined a team of people with the same goals and one particular person (Check out Suzanne's amazing blog )who has inspired me like no other to believe in myself, push myself and pray like there's no tomorrow! Now I know even on the hard days that I am not lazy, that I enjoy pushing myself beyond my comfort zone, that I am not a quitter and I am an achiever. I now have the desire to do better for my health and my finances and I have found the tools and the attitude that will help me do this.
25 pounds down so far and I'm replacing that with faith, confidence, determination and money in my pocket! Praise God for helping me be open to this opportunity and willing to work to make it happen.

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